Why you might want to consider Traveling Solo

When you deserve a bit of self-indulgence, there is nothing like solo travel. Take the time to discover your favorite activities and learn about your inner self. Meet new people, experience new things and spend time with yourself. The ultimate self-indulgence is experiencing YOU. Solo Travel is becoming a huge part of the travel market, and our suppliers are taking notice. In this blog, we will discover why this is important and how you can vacation single with renewed energy when you return home.

Take the time to discover things about yourself that you didn’t know before. Traveling solo offers you the opportunity to explore what makes you, YOU. It is a very liberating experience! You do what YOU want to do, what excites YOU, what makes YOU tick. Your personality, your preferences. Spend time alone or with other people you meet along the way. Your decision. Try new activities you might not want to try at home. It’s okay, give it a go! It is all about your discovery and your indulgence.

It is okay to not worry about others. It is okay to take the time to relax and enjoy your own company. To not worry about making everyone happy. You may find that solo travel is really very calming and soothing. Experiencing the world through a single lens gives you the freedom to indulge in a spa treatment or meditate. When your day-to-day life is filled with juggling your work schedule, maintaining responsibilities and managing your family’s work and play schedules, a solo vacation can be just the ticket to inner peace. Take a long walk, listen to serene music and enjoy your new tranquil surroundings. Return home relaxed and refreshed. It’s okay!

We give 100% of ourselves to our family, our co-workers, our responsibilities every day. I am here to tell you it is AWESOME to give yourself permission to be selfish – without feeling guilty. The answer is traveling solo! Take that cruise you have always wanted to. Go to that 5* hotel and pamper yourself the way you always dreamed of. Explore the destinations and all they have to offer that YOU want to. Do YOU! After spending so much time thinking and worrying about others, it is perfectly glorious to think only about yourself. Truly, it is!

What else is traveling solo good for, other than much needed self-indulgence? Self-confidence! Whether you are a seasoned solo traveler or you have taken the leap and gone solo for the first time, the simple act of traveling solo is a major boost to your confidence. You have met new friends, you have tried new activities and you have traveled to new destinations. All of which were what YOU wanted to do, and you should feel amazing about the accomplishment of striking out on your own. The joy of knowing you did something new and wonderful and just for you can be so satisfying and rewarding. And everyone around you will see that you walk a little taller, with a new pep in your step. Give it a shot, you won’t regret it!

Now that you have gained the self-confidence of traveling solo, step out of your comfort zone and learn a new language. Mixing it up with the locals, learning their culture and traditions can also improve your new language skills. Try out a new phrase or learn the key phrases, be brave, give it a shot. Experiential travel is booming and the solo travel market is grasping onto it in a big way. And the best thing when you return from your amazing adventure? You will impress your friends with your new found freedom and skills. Lead the way, take the leap and be the first in your group to venture out solo. It will  not disappoint!

You are on your way to become a seasoned solo traveler. That is awesome! You took the steps to visit new places and experience new activities. You have made new friends. And, you did it on your own! What an amazing confidence builder! Memories like these will last a life time. You will never forget your first experience as a solo traveler. The peace, the comfort, the excitement of going it alone. WOW! Congratulations on your new found ‘best friend’.

We have hopefully encouraged you to step out of the daily grind, and your comfort zone. You are ready to take the leap of faith and try your first solo trip. There are so many options for you! Many cruise lines have designated cabins just for solo travelers, and these cabins do NOT include a single supplement. Seriously, pay for just one passenger. Many tour operators promote tours that cater to solo travelers, which is another way to travel single, but within a group of like minded travelers. Either way you choose, you will boost your confidence, make new friends, experience new activities and destinations. And most importantly, make memories that will be etched in your mind forever. Take the leap and contact Infinity Travel to book your solo adventure today!