Azamara Club Cruises says it best:

“The initial layers of a city, including its people, buildings, and shops – can be seen by anyone, with each person having a similar view. Inspiration is found when one goes deeper – beyond the surface of a city. Explore the world within the world, while discovering more about yourself. With overnight stays and docking at smaller, less-traveled ports, Azamara Club Cruises invites you to step ashore as an insider and Explore Further.

This new collection of excursions and activities from independent, local tour operators will take you deeper into the heart of local life with exclusive events and activities, all focused around immersing you in the arts, culture, history, and natural beauty of your destinations.

We give you more time in ports and overnight stays than other cruise lines, so you can spend more time immersed in the culture, cuisine, scenery, and people of your destinations. We also take you to ports where larger ships won’t fit, such as the heart of Venice, Amalfi, and Crete, or even to the doorstep of Bangkok (while other large cruise lines dock a few hours away). More time to explore? It’s the Azamara difference.

Comfortable and never crowded, you’ll love the feeling of community emphasized by our attentive and genuinely friendly staff. With a host of unmatched inclusive amenities, the only finger you’ll have to lift will be to make a menu selection.”